May is fast approaching and with its arrival also comes a departure; of a semester, a school year, even a college career. These times must be commemorated yet they also require preparation. Such preparation might be a moment to pause, to breathe, to rest before the final press to finish strong.
So this invitation is not just one more thing you have to do, it's preparation! You're invited to join your classmates, friends, and mentors for a restful afternoon tea at Three Sisters Tearoom Friday, May 5th at 1 pm.
The table is laid and your presence is wholeheartedly anticipated. Come, gather, feast, and rest. Revivify!
The swans are coming. Are you?
Make your reservation below and join us for this time set apart to both rest and revel in your accomplishments! Wear your favorite spring dress. Add a hat, ribbon, or flower just for adornment and beauty.